We’ve seen these Kevin Durant “trade rumors” that have come up, which seem more based in conjecture than anything else, but how have the conversations been with KD? Obviously he’s eligible for a one-year contract extension, it seems like everything we’ve heard is he wants to be here and the feeling is mutual, but how have those conversations been? Josh Bartelstein: So I talk to KD all the time about how his life is, about the Olympics, a lot of time we’re doing FaceTime audios in Easton Paris, and it’s, again, the coolest thing for me, I’m talking to Kevin Durant about basketball. Again, I pinch myself. But I think everyone’s head’s in the right place. He loves it here. We talk to Rich Kleiman, who’s his partner, all the time about the vision and what we’re building, and everyone’s really happy, and I think we’re gonna have a really really good year. And Kevin’s part of all the discussions about the vision for the team, all the stuff we’re doing on the court, off the court. So the fact that we have all that dialogue, there’s equity built into it. If you do those things, everything else will take care of itself. -via gophnx.com / August 14, 2024