Last September, we wrote about a significant correction that we had to make in the lacrosse world regarding a player who actually wound up leading the United States in scoring, Mileena Collier. We did a series of corrections to make things right and set the record straight. Collier wound up not only leading the nation in lacrosse goals last spring, she also set a national record (216) in the process.
We’ve been doing the same thing in recent days in field hockey. Owing to the lack of field hockey statistics being kept by newspapers, we knew we had a few holes here and there (and why we ask for public input on Statwatch every week.
This site needed to double-check one person because two news outlets had published different numbers. That player is Malvern Villa Maria (Pa.) junior Caitlin Connell, who scored 67 goals during the Hurricanes’ outstanding season. In the process, she vaulted herself into the top 40 goal-scorers of all time, with 154.
Congrats go to Connell for her scoring prowess, which we documented on the socials.