Following are the athlete details for the MAX Field Hockey Class of 2026 TOP 150 National Player Invitational!
What to Wear/Bring:
-You will receive your reversible jersey at registration (pictured above)
-Black shorts
-Black socks
-White socks
-Corner mask if you want it for 11v11
-GK equipment if you are a GK
-Turf or running sneakers (absolutely no cleats)
-Personal water bottle with your name on it (we will have water jugs for you to refill it with)
-Snacks (lunch is provided)
Directions & Parking
You may park in The Proving Grounds main parking lot right before the Villanova field or in the smaller field hockey lot on the other side of the Villanova field (see map above).
Registration will be open between 7:00-8:00am. Â All athletes should check-in during that time. Â You will receive your jersey and event swag bag. Â There is no waiver or liability form to hand in- you completed one with your online registration. Â The registration tent will be setup at the Villanova field along the sidewalk closest to the big parking lot (red icon on the map above).
All players must be ready to warm-up 30 minutes before their first 7v7 game. Â Please meet your coach and team on the grass area behind the Villanova field closest to the main parking lot and registration.