Phillies Insider has the first Spring Training report from longtime Phils fan Steve Potter in Clearwater:
The Red Sox truck departed Fenway for Fort Myers this week, and Fenway Frames was there:
Truck Departs For Fenway South
RaysRadio discusses the club’s celebration of its 20th anniversary season:
Rays Introduce 20th Anniversary Campaign, Including New Logo, Alternate Jersey and Caps
Here’s a Pre-Spring Training Positional Preview of the Mariners’ infield, courtesy of From the Corner of Edgar & Dave:
Mariners infield, DH positions pack a punch
Cait Covers the Bases shares details on how Wisconsin residents can get a jump on grabbing tickets to home games against the Cubs in 2018:
Florida, Arizona gear up for Spring Training was originally published in MLB.com Blogs on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.