I was fortunate enough to enjoy Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy as the voices of the Boston Red Sox when I was growing up in the early aughts. Though I couldn’t appreciate it at the time, the chemistry and quality of broadcasting the duo brought to every game was rare. Most fanbases get either a great play-by-play man or a great color commentator. For a long stretch in the early 2000s the Red Sox had both, and as a bonus they worked together long enough to become beloved members of the community. Being on the call for the team’s first championship season in nearly a century cemented their places as legends in Red Sox lore.
In other words, Orsillo and Remy absolutely ruled, in other words. Their 14 seasons spent together produced a lot of great moments that make everybody laugh, regardless of whether there’s a nostalgia factor at play. On Tuesday night, such a moment was unearthed from the MLB archives from 2003. Orsillo remarked upon an upcoming lunar eclipse and wondered aloud if the sun came between the moon and the Earth. This is obviously not correct and Remy told him so in many different ways over six minutes as both struggled to contain their laughter.
Very pure content. Very good content. It’s worth every minute of your time today.
IT’S FOUND21 yrs ago I was a NESN truck intern watching Jerry relentlessly roast Don over what a lunar eclipse is. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard to this day. Enjoy the best six min of your week. (Enormous h/t to @sidsethupathi)
— Mike Petriello (@mike_petriello) April 9, 2024
Between this, the “here comes the pizza” video, and the, uh, inappropriate camera shot incident, Orsillo and Remy perfectly encapsulate the struggle of containing laughter when you aren’t supposed to laugh. The two guys sound like they’re 12 years old giggling their way through earth science class.
And there’s something about baseball announcers in particular. Even if you only tune into most of your favorite team’s games the voices from the broadcast booth are in your living room for a third of the entire year. Fans get accustomed to their quirks and way of speaking like a relative. Plus, the broadcasters spend so much time with each other that the opportunities to develop chemistry are plentiful. If you’re lucky you end up with a Don and Remdawg situation.
What a delightful video. For me, a reminder of when times were simpler. For all of us, a reminder of the great things sports broadcasts can give the viewers.