HomeNBAZach LaVine, Bulls executives relationship ‘filled with mistrust’?

Zach LaVine, Bulls executives relationship ‘filled with mistrust’?

KC Johnson: “I’m led to believe that there are still two teams—again, everything’s fluid. This is Monday morning. I’ve been led to believe that there are two teams that are still at least having conversations with a glimmer of hope, however you want to phrase it. I don’t want to be aggregated poorly. I’m just grasping for the best way to phrase it myself. What I will say is I’ve written the Kings and Warriors are the two teams I’m still monitoring. But we said all along, it may not happen and I gained some traction on this podcast by saying there is a scenario in which Zach LaVine returns, and that scenario is the Bulls can’t find a trade for him. So we’ll see how it plays out. It is fluid but, yes, it is still an organization priority to try to trade Zach.” -via YouTube / July 2, 2024